
Equipped, Encouraged & Empowered.

Equipped and stretched to find your unique voice. Encouraged to write new songs that will bless your church. Empowered to engage others with the truth of the gospel and the sound of faith.

Welcome to Songcamps

Whatever your level, whatever your stage. In the space of a day, I will encourage you, push you, and work you really, really hard.

We’ll spend most of our time practically writing songs, and I will help you go to the next level in your songwriting. You will be enabled to present songs to your church that encourage and empower them to respond in worship, singing out the age-old truths of the gospel. 

A Songcamp masterclass explores:

  • What makes a great song?

  • How do you co-write and work with others?

  • How can you be inspired to write songs that articulate the life of your own community?

  • How can you use scripture in your songs and write songs that ‘feel like faith’?

It’s time to be a voice and not an echo, so let’s get writing!